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What is Oseopathy?

Movement is key to a healthy life!


Osteopathy is a manual medicine, where the whole body is examined and mechanical disruptions are treated whether symptoms exist or not. It deals with treating the whole body rather than an injured or affected area. Any loss of mobility in the joints, muscles, organs or viscera can create a general health imbalance, which can appear as pain or disorders in the body.


Osteopathy is based on the concept that the body is able to self-regulate. A unobstructed and mobile body is free from suffering and is capable of self-healing. The osteopathic therapy consists of healing as well as preventing any physical disorders (mechanical, nervous, psychic…).


Osteopathy, with its variety of techniques, can assist a patient to improve their health, at any stage in their life.



How can I facilitate your body to find its own way ?

Nathalie Fleury (1).png
Acupressure Neck Massage
Shoulder Massage

Biodynamic osteopathy treats the patient's wholeness, aiming to connect with the body's self healing ability.

An osteopath uses their hands to sense, diagnose and treat. Instead of searching for symptoms, an osteopath focuses attention on the bodies self-healing forces and aims to re-establish health.


The aim of biodynamic osteopathy is to bring the body to a neutral point. In this state of balance, patients experience unity with their bodies. Being free of tension, the body and its tissues are ready to receive therapeutic forces and being healing.

Previous injuries, where scar tissue may be present, can be become free of tension and have greater mobility.

Increasing nerve and blood flow along with the delivery of oxygen to the tissue and organs improves lymphatic exchange which results in decreasing inflammation.


To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease. – A.T. Still MD, DO Philosophy of Osteopathy

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